Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

Is this girl a true friend ?

Have been best pals for life our family and her family are partially family! Lately everytime I make arrangements with her she always cancels on me and goes out with her other friends! Lately she made me walk on my own at 11 at night all by myself! She always bails on me! She was suppose to stay over at mine instead she met me and got in a taxi to her pals house instead ! What should I do ? She has changed and I always thought we would be pals forever but my heart won't let me forget her! Should I delete her from Facebook? My mum is angry with her as she always forgets about me !

Dish Network early termination fee thanks to roommate?

Do you plan to marry her? Do you plan to go into business with her? Will there be any affiliation once you are no longer room mates? Then don't worry about the fee. You claim to be moving out due to landlord issues, but I wonder if that's not a convenient way for you two to part company. If the 12 month decision was made before she signed up for Dish network, then you aren't indebted to her for half of that amount. If you two decided to get out after she signed up with Dish network, then it's possible you have a partial responsibility for the bill, but only because there wasn't a decision made. If this is a grudge on your part, (you're kind of trashing her in your question, and I suspect it's to sway whatever answer in your direction) offer to pay $100 towards it, and accept that she will take 75% of the responsibility. If your claim is true, then it's her problem. Be prepared to be painted as the evil one when she begins to tell mutual acquaintances that you stiffed her for the Dish Network bill. It sounds like she can play the victim pretty well. What she "should" have done is irrelavent as we can't change the past. You need to weigh the positive and negative of the deal and see if it's worth $200 to you to keep it positive. There is one alternative. If you can find new renters who are willing to have Dish network and sign up for an additional two years, (for a total of 3 years) Dish network might let that happen. Good Luck....

ATHEISTS, How can you deny the FACT that the Bible is Scientifically accurate?

The vivle states that the sun revolves around the earth, Wrong Science did not change it, it just doesnt work that way, The bible also claims god hung lanterns in the sky,,Wrong again, As many people we have sent into space have yet to see any lanterns hanging. Only planets, astroids and meteors. God has struck out twice and does not exist.

IPod touch screen speckled from water damage?!?

Nope. I did the same thing my iPod got perfume in it and I could never get it out. I even went to an iPod repair shop . They couldnt do anything.): sorry):

Colours to paint my room?

If you decide to keep the carpet, a pale golden yellow on the walls would look nice. Also the "beachy" look is very popular now, watery blues, sea glass greens, I think they are very pretty.

How to get rid of direct tv...?

we signed a two year contract about a year ago, but my boyfriend and i haveto move to his dad's house because we can't afford it here anymore (duplex). Last time I talked to a direct tv person about cancelling they said it would be like $400. Is there any way to maybe make it cheaper or not pay at all....please help were leaving at the end of the month...

My cat had kittens, I want to keep one of them , what should I do?

My mom says I can't keep my little flash because my mom doesn't want to keep one. What should I do to get my mom to let me keep one and get rid of Speckles.

Is she wanting me to talk to her or leave her alone?

I don't think she realizes you like her and she likes you. She may feel akward having these feelings for you, and doesn't want to make it akward for you

Pet sitter canceled last minute PLEASE HELP!!!?

im asking in a hurry cuz we leave in a few hours for a week and our pet sitter canceled and i realllllly need sugestions, and either we stay or he go's pleaaase please help, i cant find any 24 hour walk in pet sitters in philly, and we cant bring him with us cuz its someone elses house and she specifically said NO PETS!!!! please help me any sugestions help!!! nothing rude please

What type of pill is this?

It is a small white oblong pill with blue speckles on it. It is a little eroded but on one side it looks like it says PIPLAX and on the other side it reads 9 9 or 6 6 depending on the orientation. I found it in my son's room and I would just like to clear things up.

What is the life of a person with Obsessive compulsive disorder like?

I saw some examples: the person keep wanting to buy or eat over and over again. Some want sex so frequently, they just could not have enough of something.

What kind of egg is this?

my sisters found a nest with an egg in it...the egg is tiny, really light blue; almost white, this brown speckles almost covering it. The nest is twigs and things you might find in the weeds, that's the best I can really explain it.

Should I find a therapist who is willing to explore my past or am I being stubborn?

Posting this shows that you are OCD. ust relax and let the therepist work. They are pros and they know what their doing.

How to get rid of direct tv...?

we signed a two year contract about a year ago, but my boyfriend and i haveto move to his dad's house because we can't afford it here anymore (duplex). Last time I talked to a direct tv person about cancelling they said it would be like $400. Is there any way to maybe make it cheaper or not pay at all....please help were leaving at the end of the month...

How to deal with an ex bestfriend being mean to you?

This dude is nothing but a childish pot head. He is being immature and you are way out of his league. Leave him alone since he doesn't have his own stuff worked out. Since he can't treat himself well, he'll never treat you well. The sooner you leave this dude alone, the better off you'll be. Move forward with your life and don't look back. The next time he sends you a text message or calls you, don't respond. You can use that time to find somebody better instead of talking to this wannabe childish pot head. You do not want to be friends with someone- or be in a relationship with someone- that is doing drugs and making irresponsible decisions. Good luck.

Could the NFL and NBA lockouts make the Heavyweight division great again?

If both the NBA and NFL (or either one) cancel their seasons, could that make the Heavyweight division in boxing great again and more competitive and change the landscape of the division, what do you boxing fans think

Hairstyles for hair loss (w/ pics of my hair)?

curl it. It's always a cute style plus it woud make your hair look fuller and give it bounce. Congrats on ur senior year! Make the best out of it. I've been outa high school for a year and I miss it!!!

What kind of plant is this?

anyone know what this is? Its a big huge green plant with big green leaves on it. Inside the green leaves are long pointed beautiful purple flowers. The stalk is speckled green and tan color.

Freshwater fish tank bugs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Try this link it describes about everything

Why is my ghost shrimp turning black?

I was looking at him today an I noticed he has a bunch of black speckled on him. What does this mean? Also, One of my zebra danios seems to have some blakc on his fins. What is this?

Why are homosexuals major perverts?

@ I like that! @ the white man, they should have months for all those disorders, where they raise money to find cures. I don't know if ur taking this argument to a biblical stand point but u really don't have that right. Point out the chapter and verse in the bible that says the white man is superior or hate ppl of color. Maybe then I'd agree with u. And I absolutely hate pedophiles, but racist pricks r next on my list.

My houseplant leaves are partly dead - why?

the temperature, air pressure, or humidity inside your home or where the plant is currently growing could have changed. look for anomalies that have risen up since the leaves started dying

Terrible bangs and hair falling?

About 3 months ago my mom took me to this hair college to get my hair straightened permanently. The girl who did my hair but this one gel on my bangs to push them back and she put it on the top of my hair. My hair dryed up and started falling (I thing the girl put some weird drying gel on it). Almost all my long bangs fell out :( and now they are at a length of one inch which looks funny on my forehead. I don't want to have bangs and now I have to have them again thanks to this idiot that did my hair. How can I hide my bangs so it doesn't look like I have them? And how can I cancel out the straightening product and gel that made my hair dry? Please help!

Free online food journal for gaining weight?

If you have an iphone or ipod you can get a free app i cannot renember the name but you can put in everything you eat to tge exzact anc it shows you if your under or over.

Will my maternity benefits be affected when I move from B.C. to Ontario?

I tried to look for that on the Service Canada website but they are not clear on that. I have to wait until Monday to call and I am just worried that they will cancel my benefits! I gave them my new address and now for some reason a decision has to be made on my claim! Anyone know what that means? Any input would be great. Thanks!

A question about Prednisone?

You could.. You could also die from a GI bleed or an Addisonian crisis. Prednisone is distinctly NOT a DIY project.

What are some questions that I could ask for an interview of Dr Watson from Sherlock Holmes?

Regarding Sherlock Holmes and the speckled band, also if you can give me some tips on what Watson wears would be great! thanks

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I fell off my bike and now I can't feel my hand?

You could possibly have nerve damage. The CT will confirm nerve damage. The most important thing for you to do now is to not cause further injury to the area. Rest your right hand. A cold compress and motrin can help reduce swelling, therefore take pressure of the nerve and prevent further injury. Call your Dr. and ask for his/her opinion for treatment. I am only a nurse with a suggestion consult your Dr. for the best treatment for you.

What kind of owl might this be?

A bird flew through my work today and my coworkers suggested it was an owl. I've searched pictures online, but it's no owl I can find. The bird was small enough to be scooped up in someones hands, but its wingspan was about two feet. Its beak was hooked like a predator and was all black. The feathers were speckled dark brown and black. Unfortunately, I didn't get a look at its tail or feet. D: Any ideas? It looks very similar to a western burrowing owl, but darker and with a black beak, if it helps.

What are these rashes and what causes them?

Hmm... How about bed bug bites? You can't see them but they bite like crazy. Try asking your brother in law about it. I think it's also better to see the dermatologist if you're worrying about those bites. Hope you feel better soon. Nothing is more irritating and uncomfortable than really itchy skin. :)

I think I may be O.C.D, and possibly paranoid.?

I've been focusing on things like this recently, and it has come to my attention that I seem likely to have O.C.D. The first instance of O.C.D like behavior I can remember is from when I was a little child. When I would ride in the car I would always look out the window, and watch the objects. Then I would count them. While others were talking to me during this I would count every word they said on the objects going past me and if their sentence didn't work out to be totally even I would break things up, clump things together, add in, or take out words. This really interfered with my listening, and by the time I noticed I was doing this it had been a few years and I found it difficult to stop. I still do this sometimes. Then once I had, for the most part, corrected this annoying error I began to grind my teeth to the syllables of things others said to me, and occasionally to what I said as well. Then began my germ phobia. It was completely unreasonable, and yet I still have it for the most part. I felt that everything was dirty, my own hands were always dirty, etc. If something were to compromise the cleanliness of a surface, even after it had been properly cleaned and relentlessly disinfected, I would feel that the germs were still there and it would, in my mind, render the object untouchable/unusable. I would wash my hands five or six times and always up to my elbows (sometimes higher) after little things like using the restroom, touching a remote control, touching a counter top, having used cleaning products on something, etc. Occasionally I find myself afraid of having picked up germs from an object I merely saw or considered touching, but did not so much as get near it. For a short period of time I found myself unwilling to touch my food, as I believed my hands would compromise the foods sanitation. So, I ate everything by picking it up with my mouth or a utensil such as a fork rather than my hands. This went even for potato chips or french fries; even a banana (very difficult). I eventually overcame this by washing my hands multiple times before I ate anything. I find I believe everything to be dirty. I re-wash dishes before I eat off of them even when I take them out of the dish drainer and they've only been washed moments before. Also, I am somewhat of a slob. But then I find after the room being messy only for a few minutes due to my slob habits that I go into mad Nazi-cleaning mode. I vacuum and dust and polish and organize and sort through and throw away. I even organize my clutter to be arranged in what I find to be a more appealing manor. As far as my personal hygiene, when I first get in the show I wash my hands with soap before I begin washing myself. Then after washing myself I was my hands with soap again. This keeps going on until I'm finished with my shower. This could just be my anger issues, but I get angry at myself for doing something wrong, even the slightest thing (for example, using an abbreviation that is for the most part useless), and find that I have a sort of compulsive need to fix the error, whatever it may be. This also comes in to play with my grammar, as I'm sure you have noticed. The slightest spelling mistakes make me freak out. Also, in a subject that I feel I'm right on, I absolutely REFUSE to allow someone to tell me otherwise. I am wholly unable to take criticism, even if it is constructive. Also, sometimes I feel a random need to get up and pace. I can pace for hours upon hours while not feeling like it has been more than five minutes. If for some reason I am unable to pace around I get this odd feeling, as though I literally need to be doing it, as though it were important and absolutely imperative that the task was performed. Also, as I'm sure of you have read, I have self-harmed (mostly in the past, I've been trying to quit) and each time I did so I always left three cuts/burns/bruises. Although this may not tie in here, as I created something for each to stand for (1: Punishment 2: Control 3: Clarity). Often times I find myself (unjustifiably) feeling absolutely superior to those around me. As though I can grasp things they cannot. In groups I feel that I have to be the one to do all the work as I'm the only one who can perform the task given correctly. I realize the others are capable of doing just as well as I, and possibly better, but I cannot help but feel otherwise. I also think I'm paranoid. This is due to the fact that on more occasion than one I've wondered whether or not someone was watching me; this occurs when I am completely alone. Sometimes I feel the need to correct my thoughts so that they might be appropriate in the event that anyone around me could somehow read minds. I also find when I'm at home I am extremely suspicious of my mother. She does not trust me and I find that I sometimes feel as though she may have installed cameras to watch me. I will admit to literally looking into things searching

True or False: You suffer from any one of the conditions from the following list?

They thought I had conduct disorder when I was younger but really I was stressed and this was causing me to f*** up my life. I'm fine now well I'm disabled my hair and nails are really short and my knees and hips can't take my weight. This isn't on your list but it meana I wear a wig and use a rollator or wheelchair.

Hes so messed up .........?

ok so my boyfriend can make a commitment but he cant make straight answers. idk if that makes sense but hes there whenever i need him but he makes dates big deal and planning them takes forever and he always cancels them. like today, we were suppose to meet up for a coffee and have sex (His idea) and this morning around 9 i got a txt saying he cant make it. i don't wanna dump him but i don't wanna do this Forever.. what should i do?

Wow, my boyfriend is a compulsive liar?

liars suck. ABORT MISSION. no good can come from this. If you've tried talking to him about it, and it's still occuring, not only does that mean he's a liar, it means he's okay with lying TO YOU, his girlfriend. Honesty and trust is almost everything in a relationship.

Molly fish colorings question?

dont worry its not a fungus but if you wanna be sure walmart sells jungle fungus clear i suggest that you treat the tank with that

Sprint contacts syncing between 2 phones?

I have a new sprint 2 year contract that has 2 phones on it (both being LG optimus s) and for some reason the contacts always sync between the 2 phones. No matter how many times I delete them from one phone they just sync right back. So what's the point of having 2 separate phones if all of the contacts will always be the same? Is there a way to stop them from cancelling? I unchecked the background data sending in hopes that it will work but I also want to know when I get new emails too so I need that checked.

ITunes Letting Me Redownload My Purchases!?!?

iTunes does that. Even Apple has decided that you shouldn't have to pay for something again once you bought it.

Hairstyles for hair loss (pics of my hair)?

You should curl you hair into BIG curls . It would make you look like you have a lot of hair & would distract people from the top . You can also add something like a snooki poof or a half pony tail bump .

Does she want us to talk again and be friends...or for me to leave her alone?

first of all, who is "she"?! you have to remember when asking a question on yahoo that none of us know anything, so start from the beginning. [[and this doesn't belong in the "Weddings" section, i'll be surprised if Bridezilla doesn't flip her lid on you. ;]]

Does girlfriend's homeowner's insurance cover me?

You are not covered under your girlfriends rental policy anymore than you are covered under her automobile policy. Buy your own.

Will I lose my current e-mail if I change internet,TV and phone service?

Thinking about canceling my current provider. They want more money. I've had some difficulties with them in the past.

Is GFR >59 good or bad? I had some blood work done due to bad kidney pain.?

I have had swollen painful joints since I was 17 and am now 29. My ANA came back positive with a titer of 80/speckled pattern. Sometimes I get this weird rash on my arm in the same spot (where your elbow bends) that looks like a ton of broken blood vessels. They think I have lupus or RA...but my RF factor came back normal. I am going to see a rheumatologist in a few weeks but not knowing is driving me bonkers. Also in my blood work my CO2 was flagged high at 30 and my anion gap flagged low at 6. My hands are really puffy all of the time!!! The joint pain is mostly in the a.m. but in my hands lasts all day...but if its in my knee or feet sometimes it goes away after walking for a couple hrs. Any advice or help out there???

Did I Do Something Wrong, or Did I Choose Bad Friends?

Honestly, your best friends are not your true best friends after all. And wow about what they said, that was really hurtful and I couldn't handle that. Actually you don't need to change if you didn't do something wrong and I'm sure you didn't. They're the ones who need to change because of their bad attitude. And they did that because they didn't like you anymore. Get new friends and be careful, you need to know them first before you became best friends with them because they maybe just "Plastics". And try being more defensive in a good way if you can.

Can i take birth control and breast actives?

I would ask your doctor once you get the birth control. They would know more than anyone, because different types of birth control affect everyone differently.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What would you do in this position?

my ex fiancee is due to marry my best friend very shortly and i just cant accept it. to cut the long story short we were due to get married last year but was cancelled for personal family reasons we still spoke and met up now a month ago she drops a bomb shell saying she has been approached by my Friends family to wed him. his family are happy and her family are also happy i asked her what about you, she goes i will be happy as long as my family are. I just don't know how to accept this because i love her soo much and deep down i know she still loves me but she wont go against her family for me, i dont know whether she is doing this out of spite or hate or whatever but for me its like im attending my own funeral in so many ways as i see the guy nearly every day as he lives down the road from me and im great friends with his brother i feel so betrayed and hurt by this and i dont think i will ever move on in my life because of this for me life really is not worth living anymore

Help with my grandmother?

From the looks of your picture it seems like you're very young and I take it that you don't have any children either. Would you want for your Grandmother to live long enough to see them? If so you should explain that to her. Tell her you love her more than you usually do. Let her know that its not just her weight or her smell its her life that you're worried about the most. Be as gentle as you can because if she eats to be happy you don't wanna make her upset. If push comes to shove (not trying to be funny) but look up t.v shows or help from the press. The more people know about it the more serious she will get about her health

What should the skin look like after a punch biopsy?

I had a mole removed 4 days ago. She did a punch biopsy but it isn't stitched. I 've been cleaning it and keeping it covered with a band-aid. There is a stain around the wound that started as a purple discoloring but now is a dark brown speckled stain. It is much darker than what the mole was. Is that normal? Is it blood under the first layer of skin? Will it go away? What is it?

Do different types of chickens/roosters crow at the right times? Right times meaning in the morning.?

Barred Rock & Plymouth Rock are actually the same thing: Plymouth Rock is the breed & Barred Rock is a specific coloration within the breed. It usually depends on each individual chicken how much they crow & whether or not they're breaking the eggs.

How can I deal with the embarrassment?

Tell everyone exactly what you told us, with more details that will PROVE she did that, and if they don't believe you, so what, or i also think you should talk to that "friend" if you still have contact with her, and make her take everything back and be truthful. I think the latter is a better option.

Gambling ruining a marriage?

Maybe you could casually slip it into the conversation with her husband, not mentioning what she told you. Ask him what he thinks of her gambling so much. If he doesn't know about her gambling, maybe you should just try to talk to her about it. Maybe you could call a therapist and get some tips from him. I hope everything goes well with it. Good Luck!

Should I end the friendship?

This is an automatic red flag! If you don't like the way she treats you tell her. If she doesn't care she's not worth it!

Why do i love doritos?

I like them a lot too. The speckles on them are the many herbs and spices on them that give them their unique flavor. They have ranch flavoring that is so so good that makes them special.

Would I have to pay a deposit if i already had verizon before?

I had an account with Verizon before but I cancelled it and went on my mothers account. Would I have to pay a deposit if I went back to my own account on my own plan? Like if I got a new 2 year agreement

Would this be cool if you displayed this in a display case?

I don't know what asperger's or obsessive compulsive syndromes are, but maybe this wouldn't be the best idea. Perhaps you should just tell the people the stories of what happened.

Small Bathroom Remodel - Window Treatment?

I have a small bathroom I'm remodeling. I'm trying to do it on a dime, but it keeps racking up. Anyway I have an espresso colored vanity, and a buttercream speckled countertop. I have a white toilet and bathtub and white shower curtain with a clear "window". The walls and ceiling are painted a green/gray/taupe - ish hue. The doors and woodwork are a walnut finish (even the woodwork around the window). For the window treatment, I'd like to keep it simple with a faux wood blind. Should I get it in White or Espresso? Or a different style/color altogether? I don't want it to be too dark in there. My goal is to make it spalike.. I should also mention the window is the first thing you see as you walk in the bathroom.

How do I tell my Mom I need to see a doctor?

I'm so afraid to tell her I need to see a doctor about my compulsive overeating. It's out of control. I'm 16, and I'm just so afraid that she's going to pull an excuse for it or say "no it's normal for a teen" or "it's just because of your Celiac Disease" or blah blah blah. Should I just say I need to talk to my doctor about something and not tell her about what? Or tell the truth? I'm just scared that she's not going to believe my problem.. The only way I know is from reading a ton of stuff online. Should I show her the stuff I read? I'm desperate, I just want my life to return to normal so I can stop obsessing over my body and food.

Im scared my mom will hate me if i go home now (runaway, stepdad,mom)?

I'm your age, but here's my opinion. You are an adult now, so go, and see your mom. She needs to know you survived, and she needs to meet her grandson. As regard her husband, he will avoid you, I think, and if he doesn't, you could put him in prison, so take no sh/t from him. Let people know your whereabouts if you do visit your mother. You are a beautiful person, I believe. Good luck with your life.

Do i have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)?

I have to do things repeatedly because if i dont i feel like something bad will happen. This isn't with everything but most things. I have to say no deal so i dont have these feelings. I have to retrace my steps, erase letters and rewrite them, ETC This isnt new for me but i think its getting worse

Is it possible for a betta to grow larger after it's a year old?

After a year in a 5 gal I moved him to a 20 gal. He's getting more food and exercise (chasing other fish a little) and I swear he's changing. He's just a regular red one but he seems bigger now and has several reflective blue scales speckling his body now. Is he maturing or is this from the new living conditions?

Am I not supposed to fly?

I was supposed to take a plane from NY to California and this is the second time it was canceled. I am flying because I'm supposed to be bringing my friend some things which her friend was supposed to drop off so that at the same time I can visit her and see her new apt(She just moved there). The first time I didn't fly because her friend brought me my friend's things but one of the boxes was missing. The second my flight was cancelled completely. Then my sister told me she had a dream that something happened to me. I am not superstitious at all but I was told that this is "a sign" That i'm not supposed to fly. I am freaking out, do you agree that this is a sign, should I cancel the flight and have someone else bring her the things?

Is it a froglet ot toadlet?

Hello i live in the uk and i have a froglet/toadlet, it is black with a speckled belly and is the size of a little finger-nail. The other tadpoles are brown patched and don't seem to have any speckles but are about 4 cm including tail. I got them frog a big lake in leeds and they were all at the side sucking algae, i wan to know if they are frogs (rana temporaria) or toads (bufo bufo).

How do I restore a transaction on iOffer?

I made a mistake by cancelling a transaction on iOffer and I need it to be restored so I can track my item. Is this possible? How?

MS Excel 2007 or 2010 help?

Go to the empty column on the right. There enter the following formula =ABS(A5). copy this formula to all the rows of that column. Then this column has the absolute value of column A data. Now you can use this column to match the entried and cancel them

I can't stop obsessing about a girl my boyfriend dated recently...advice please!?

My boyfriend and I met a year ago, and we've had a pretty rocky relationship dating off and on until here recently. For the past 5 or 6 months he's become comfortable enough to call me his steady girlfriend, and we are making plans to move in to a house together.'s my problem. Last Thanksgiving we had a huge fight, and he met a girl while I was out of town visiting family. We had decided to work it out, but then I got a text telling me he'd met someone and he still wanted to be friends with me, but he wanted me to know he was talking to someone else. Well, it didn't go that well and they ended up breaking up after like a week and a half due to some drama taking place in her life, and according to his family she freaked out on him and cut off communication. His sister told me that he was infatuated with this girl from the moment he met her. He brought her home to meet them almost immediately, and said he felt like he'd met the perfect girl for him. She was "an angel", his "soulmate" etc. etc. And of course I checked his Facebook during this time and pretty much every single post on a day to day basis was about this girl. So after she quit talking to him he turned to me, and I stupidly took him back. I know I probably shouldn't have, but just like he felt a strong connection to this girl, I felt (feel) just as strong of a connection to him. So we started talking again, and around March he moved into my mom's with me. So we've been fine since then, haven't really fought a lot, seem to be closer than we were, and I thought everything was fine. One day I came home from work and he had left his Facebook open on the computer, and out of curiosity I went to the search box and typed in the first letter of her name "C". Ok, so tell me why her name is the first name that popped up in the search box?? He had her blocked not too long ago, and now she's not only unblocked, but he's searching for her?? When I asked him about it, he wouldn't admit it, but he wouldn't deny it either. He just said I was "way more important" and he loved me. So now I'm obsessing over it, and it's starting to affect my moods and I'm irritated and mad at him all the time. Now I check the computer every single day and look at the temporary internet files and cookies to see if he's searched her name. She actually knows who I am and she blocked me from Facebook after her and him broke up. I'm friends with everyone in his family, and we kind of know people in the same circle - she actually sent me a message once calling me a "ho" because I was snooping her page from my touch phone and accidentally poked her. (I know...dumb). Anyway I can't see her Facebook from my account now so I have to log into my cousin's Facebook and check her page. And I do this every single day now! I can't stop! It's compulsive, and it's gotten to the point where I feel like a stalker. Let's face it...I guess I am a stalker. My best friend even said I was becoming a stalker because I started googling her and trying to find out more information about her. But I was fine when I thought she was out of the picture and now it's like there's a possibility that she could come back or something and it scares me to death. Is it me? Is it him? Is it her? Does he want her? Do they want each other? How do I deal with this? If I could get an objective opinion or perhaps some insight from someone who might have gone through a similar situation it would help me so much. Thanks guys...

Why do i have compulsive or rather obsessive thoughts of dying whenever i felt something bad is gonna happen?

its a common symptom of a lack of self confidence. You feel like if you dont do something perfect, you are neglected by everyone. I know how you feel. but your not alone! Taking your life is not even close to reasonable solutions.. Heres and idea for you, Take the scenario that you feel like you are rejected or failed and think about the best outcome. Then think about the worst (in this case, killing yourself). Now In your head, "re-do" the scene and try to make yourself feel like you did it right. THis will put an image in your head of what you did right. We only have one try on earth and it should be ended naturally, Not by yourself or someone else. Dont listen to people that say you need to go see someone or get help, But you can do this by your self.

Is it depression if you know why your depressed?

Yes, definetley. Some of my depression is being caused by the same old nothing that every day has to offer. I also feel like every day is the same and there's nothing to do with my life.. I've tried suicide too this summer, though I am much younger than you.. But yes, it can be depression if you know what the cause behind it is.

How do you tell the truth to people you've lied to?

Last year I was asked to be on a ministry group called the Worship Team but I had no interest in being on the team whatsoever and wasn't exactly what people would call a Good Citizen. I have morals and standards that are on par with a strict police officer's but even with those I've done bad things, even to people.But ever since I've join the church I've began to see a different light, you'd think that all gang members are ruthless thugs that are out for their own personal gain. Anyway, I've haven't told anyone from my church that I had been in a gang, that i had committing crimes,that I had hurt people, and that I was a compulsive liar. I'm thinking about telling my Pastor everything but I don't know how he will react. What should I do?

Is my friend a compulsive liar?

I seriously have a friend just like that! I think she just wants to be better than you and make you feel bad. Thats what my friend did to me she was always making up stories about things she can do and bragging about what she was going over the summer. These kind of people are not good friends, good thing you are not her friend anymore. I am not sure if they are compilsive lairs or just people who want to ve better than everyonr else. Hope that helps :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pretty sure I have an allergy-induced sinus infection?

If you have drainage in your throat, I know that really bugs you. For drainage, gargle a cup of warm salt water once every hour. 1 tsp. salt per 1 cup of warm water. Hope that helps! Also opens up nasal passages. Use saline nose spray also!

My betta has a white head?

I just bought my betta fish, rex, and i noticed something odd. He is completely blue/purple (depending on how the light hits him), and his colors are quite vivid. he does, however, have a completely white head, with black speckles. I was just wondering if this was normal coloration for a betta, or if it could possibly be some kind of disease? :(

Speckles of blood on the toilet paper..?

It's possible that it could be due to sex or it could be because you've wiped with the toilet paper a bit too hard in a certain area when you've gone to the toilet.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

I've noticed that when I get anxious, I either scratch myself, like my hand or face, and I usually shake my leg while I'm doing it too, I'm just wondering if these are symptoms of O.C.D?

Better internet service: Verizon FiOS or Earthlink?

I would say Verizon Fios only because I've had before. The internet connection is really good. If you get Verizon, then the Verizon guy should come in and install everything for you... Because I had the whole package with cable & Internet & phones & the Verizon guy came in & hooked up the internet & everything. Good luck choosing though!

Tips on preventing compulsive lying?

You have to ask yourself, "What am i accomplishing from lying?" in order to get over it, you have to think before you speak, it will take awhile but it can be done. You have already taken the biggest step to this problem and that is you admit it is a problem, now just take the time and effort to change. Good luck! If you don't lie than you don't have to remember what you said, life is easier if you tell the truth!

I need someone to remind me why I shouldn't talk to her?

She is not the one for you. She has way too many problems that are all her own. I have never heard of the diabetes with salt thing; it sounds like a manipulation on her behalf to make you feel sorry for her. Definitely toxic.. and that will outweigh any of the good that you see in her. Good Luck.. there is someone out there for you. It is not her.

Psychologist Confusion?

you dont need a psychologist you both need a marriage counselor. The taking sides. Get him out of there quick. And the both of you see counselor. They are very nice and can see problems that the both of you cannot. Just be up front and tell him all your problems and worries .and he will find you a solution!

How common are grayish-teal colored eyes?

I've always wondered what my eye color was because it's so mixed. Some relatives said I have blue-green while others say I have hazel because I also have yellow and green with a speckle of brown mixed in the center of my eye. But I found out that my eye color is a mix of gray and teal. I wanted to know how common or rare this eye color was?

Fish sick with ick? or fungus?

i have a sarasa comet that ive had for about a year, and i put a shubunkin in with it and now the sarasa is sick. it is very itchy, in active(sits in corner alot doing nothing, fins clamped), darts around the tank like something is attacking it..(will eat like its starving so that makes me feel better), at first i could not see any white speckling the looks like salt, so i didnt think it was ick. the fish did have a medium size ulcer on its fins (which made me think its fungus) and i can see through the fins and i can even see the red blood veins, which normally its pure white and i cant see through it. Anyways ive been treating the fish with melafix for 3 days, and ive changed 1/3 of water twice.. which idk if thats to much?? or not enough to change the water?? the fish is alot more active though and swiming around normal somewhat not sitting at bottom as much... however i do see grain like salt on the fish now.. should i treat for ick and the ulcer?? or is it all just symptoms of ick

My 5 Year Old Daughter is a Wreck?

At the moment she is testing her limits and boundaries. What you do now can have a huge impact on what kind of person she will turn out to be. My sister had a similar problem when her son went through this stage, and he is now a charming, mild mannered boy. There are heaps of ideas and guides out there, it's just a matter of finding one that works for you and your family.

Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

I've always been a worrier, for as long as I can remember but now I'm wondering if it's starting to get out of control. I worry what people think all the time and I always assume they think the worse of me. When I lock the doors at night in my house I have to do the rounds of the doors over 3 times checking that i did actually lock them. Usually I check 3 times then go upstairs to bed and it plays on my mind so I go back downstairs to check AGAIN...When I drive I re drive my route over and over making sure I haven't knocked someone off their bike or anything (even though I would know if I had hit someone). Sometimes I get home and I drive around the block over and over again to make sure I haven't hit anything...I've just started obsessing over car doors and worrying that I haven;'t shut it properly. If I was in someone elses' car I always check the door is shut properly after I closed it but then usually I get home and end up texting my friends and asking them to check if I did actually shut the door properly (even though I checked it myself). I check my hair straightener is off all the time because I'm so scared I'll burn the house down. I don't just check it once, I stand there in the bathroom staring at it making sure its off and then leave and have to go back in to check again and sometimes it's to the point where I have to make sure it's unplugged and I have to actually touch the plug with my hands to make sure I'm not just imagining that it is NOT plugged in...also with cars I get paranoid I've left my lights on...even though you can see from the outside if they are off, I always have to get back into the car to check the settings are correctly on 'Lights off'! Ahhh does this sound like OCD to you??

How rare is the merle markings?

My dog just gave birth to an unexpected litter of puppies. Two of the puppies have a light gray coat with dark gray/black patches unevenly/speckled. I was told they are blue merle markings and that those markings are very very rare and produce personality problems. So I am wondering just how rare, and if there are any problems I should know about.


Have been experiencing discomfort, and noticed that the vulva was inflamed. This inflammation continued to get worse within the past day, and I have noticed that the vaginal tissue near the entrance of the vagina is a bit swollen, very inflamed, and speckled in white. I thought this may be a yeast infection, but have not experienced any discharge, and no fowl odors are present. Symptoms have been present for 2 days; did not have sex for at least 3 days prior to onset of irritation. SUGGESTIONS? PLEASE?

Other than Medicaid, could I really cancel it out to get private insurance?

Okay so I get child disability (a bit over $700 a month, close to $800) and in my state that qualified me for medicare and medicaid to cover the medicare costs. However, since I'm also getting lots of backpay from SSA and saving a handful of it for housing later, I know that if I keep over a certain amount for roughly 6 more months I could lose medicaid but i was wondering if I really had the option to use a private insurance to cover medicare instead of medicaid? What are the pros and cons? Without medicaid, over $200 is taken out of my check per month, would using private insurance help the issue too?

Grabbed a lady's butt at work and now she is trying to black mail me?

A few weeks ago I patted this lady on the butt at my office. She is a temp secretary I hired through a staffing agency. Okay, the project she was working is completed and I no longer need her. She has requested to work her permanently, but I told her it is not possible now. She says she may get an attorney and file a sexual harassment suit against me. However, she says she is unsure what she will do, but really hopes I can bring her on as a full-time employee. Even though, she hasn't said directly to me what she is doing, it is pretty obvious. Basically, I have to give her a job or she is going to file a law suit against me and say I am letting her go because she declined my sexual advances. They were not sexual advances, it was a one time thing and I apologized afterwords and said I was just kidding around and at the time she just laughed it off. If I can somehow prove she is black mailing me, can it cancel out her sexual harassment lawsuit? I mean, what I am saying is this, can her law suit no longer be considered if she is using it to gain leverage against me unlawfully?

What kind of bird nest is this?

I was taking a walk in the neighborhood and I noticed a huge bird nest in someone's front yard. It is not in a tree, but on the ground. It is not in the grass, but on a patch of dirt. It is large, like I said, and was made of sticks. There were three large eggs in it. The eggs were shaped like ovals, and were each the size of a large potato. They were borwn speckled. I didn't see the mom. Has she abandoned her nest? What kind of nest is it?

If received Stafford Loans for whole year are you on the hook for spring?

Hi I kind of procrastinated to the last minute and now need to get my financial aid together quickly. I was wondering though since you have to accept the stafford loans based on the entire school year(Fall&Spring semester) before the start of first semester, If I was to decide to transfer in the spring to another school would I be on the hook for those loans or is there a period of time to cancel them before they are disbursed. Basically I'm asking are the loans for the spring disbursed now also and cannot be refused before the start of spring semester or can they be.

Did not provide SSN, will charge show on my credit report?

I rented a book from this company online and upon returning they claim the book was damaged. I am 100% I did not damage the book so I canceled the credit card they have on file so that they don't charge me a blown-up price for a replacement (plus who knows what other made up charges). I know in a little while they will be start sending me in bills in my mail. If I choose to ignore them can they eventually show up on my credit report? I never provided my SSN to them.

What color eyes do you have?

And what is your favorite eye color? Mine are light green with brown speckles and a dark blue ring around the green.

Is there anywhere i can watch david haye vs vladimir klitschko other than sky? im willinh to pay for it?

im unable to order the fight on box office as i have cancelled my sky because its crap and even tho my subscription doesnt end until 11th jult i cant book th e fight. am open to any sensible suggestions

Is she wanting me to talk to her or leave her alone?

Try reposting this in the relationship category... Law enforcement and Police have nothing to do with this...

I have a somewhat uncommon problem so it seems?

Your in 11th grade so why dont you get a part time job and pay for the lessons yourself. My daughter is the same way, she wants lessons for everything but loses interest real quick so we hate the thought of spending money on something she wont stick w/. But we do it so she can try, If you pay for lessons yourself then your p;arents will see that you are very serious about it:)

Why did the Cars right a song about an egg?

There was a band called the Cars and they wrote a song about an egg. I have no idea what its called, but it was about some dude finding a speckled egg in a tree and taking it and other people wanting to look at it... please only realistic answers... thanks!

Am i being a bee-eye-tee-see-H to my friends?

No! She is tired so she doesn't want to come to you. So it is completely understandable that if you are tired you would not want to go to her. Youre friends need to be more understanding of your situation, even though you chose to live uptown. Your friends chose to live downtown. You are both entitled to live in the location of your choice. If they want to stay friends, they need to make sacrafices too. You are not a one way street. You should talk to them about this situation. If they are good friends, they will understand and be accomodating. But you should also be prepared to possibly lose a few friends. But just remember, if you lose friends over something like this, youre better off without them because you need friends that will be with you through anything, even an annoying commute.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with teeth brushing? Maybe?

I think it's OCD because alot of OCD sufferers are obsessed with being clean so alot of teeth brushing would fit into that category as it's a cleansing thing.

How to help my teen friend going through many things?

Okay so he is gay and has been going through many tough things such as OCD(obsessive compulsive disorder), bulimia, he has even started cutting himself? He has recently started thinking about suicide. How do I help him? How so I let him know he is not alone? And how do I help him change his thoughts on all of this? Please help me as fast as possible. I really care about him and I wouldn't want him to hurt himself.

My mom is disrespecting me what should I do?!?! Needs advice!?

Alright so I'm 20 years old and have been married since I was 19 and I've lived outta my parents house since I was 18.So my mom got divorced to my stepdad 2 years ago and ever since then she's become very religious like she used to be religious but not like this and she quotes the Bible 24/7, nowI'm Christian but I don't quote the Bible constantly.Anyways so my mom treats me as if I'm still a child and doesn't let me make my own decisions and it drives me crazy.This past week I went to my moms house just me because she needed someone to take her to her surgery.So first it started off with we went to Walgreens and some lady walked in and had a very raspy deep breath and asked for 5 packs of cigarettes and I said to my mom see mom that's what's going to happen to you if you don't quit smoking.So I started telling my mom that I'm concerned for her and she blew it outta proportion saying I need to stop lecturing her and she doesn't wanna hear it and end of discussion. And she was screaming at me like she's crazy!So then some guy pulled out in front of us and I said what an *** hole and my mom said "Don't cuss in my presence,what do you think God thinks of you?!" I said " I'm a grown *** woman and I can talk however I wanna talk" so then she tells me "I'm your parent and you still have to obey me, do you know what the bible says about sin?" so then she starts rambling on about sin like I don't know what it is or something.So then we get home and we had dinner then we went for a walk and I decided we should talk about how she makes me feel like she still thinks I'm a kid.I was talking in such a calm mature manner.Well again she's like I don't wanna talk about this your getting my blood pressure up and heart rate up and I don't need stress the day before surgery.And I told her no we need to talk about this now I'm not going to avoid this and I need to get this off my chest and she started yelling at me again and said fine I'll just cancel my surgery! I said whatever mom do what you want.And I just walked ahead of her and we walked by ourselves cause she wouldn't listen to me.Well the next day I take her to her surgery and she complains about the way that I drive and how I shoulda taken a turn down this road its a shortcut but she didnt even tell me till after I passed it...Alright so I'm not really sure what I should do should I stop talking to my mom for now or what in the world should I do to stop her treating me like a child and her trying to controll my every move?!?!

I can't stop eating,like compulsively!?

I had a problem with bulimia and anorexia 5 years ago and got down to a hundred and twenty pounds, I stopped because I got pregnant with my son and wanted him to be healthy. I am now a hundred and sixty five pounds. I'd like to the thinner, but the problem is I CAN NOT STOP MYSELF FROM EATING. I eat when i am bored, I eat when I watch tv, I can't go out anywhere without stopping to get something to eat, I am ALWAYS eating. So much that grocery costs are going through the roof. It's like a compulsive behaviour, I just cannot stop myself. What can I do to fix this problem? I don't want to go back to being anorexic or bulimic to lose weight. I'd just like to stop pigging out on EVERYTHING. Would a doctor be able to help me some how? Anyone else have this problem?

ITunes Letting Me Redownload My Purchases!?!?

iTunes does that. Even Apple has decided that you shouldn't have to pay for something again once you bought it.

Pet sitter canceled last minute PLEASE HELP!!!?

im asking in a hurry cuz we leave in a few hours for a week and our pet sitter canceled and i realllllly need sugestions, and either we stay or he go's pleaaase please help, i cant find any 24 hour walk in pet sitters in philly, and we cant bring him with us cuz its someone elses house and she specifically said NO PETS!!!! please help me any sugestions help!!! nothing rude please

Any good websites that actually advertise cancelled holidays at a good price?

There are a few good prices of holidays on Teletext but when access the advertised website on internet, prices not so favourable. I know years ago "hotel allocated on arrival' and cancelled holidays used to be really good deals but do those exist these days?

How do you cancel a second chance on ebay?

I do not want to sell it to this other person anymore. How do I retract my second chance offer? If I can't, will the original buyer still receive the item or will the second chance bidder receive the item? The original buyer hasn't paid yet. Help!!!!!!!

Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Okay so a couple yrs back I realized I was doing some rituals, then I researched OCD online and the symptoms and started to develop the symptoms I read because of reading it online. I started thinking bad thoughts and obsessing with them thinking I have the disorder. I didn't have anything like it before but I practically diagnosed myself with it, and now it's bothering me. I don't know if I'm normal and just paying attention to the thoughts has allowed them to keep recurring or do I actually have it??? Someone please give me some professional advice. I appreciate it.

Would I be sent to a mental hospital for these issues:?

I am depressed, I cut my right forearm, I think of suicide 20/7, I want to die 15/7, I have a plan of how I want to go, I'm bordering anorexia, I'm bullied, I'm bisexual and in the closet (not that that really matters), I'm a pathological compulsive liar, my dad is severely bipolar, 3 of my other close relatives are schizophrenic. I fear I'm one of those as well. I'm 14. I know I need help, but I don't know if my issues are enough to go to a psych ward or whatever. Please don't say I'm screwed up and should be enjoying life, because I tried...

Did I find a Bird, Lizard, or Turtle egg?

I found a tiny egg in the grass (I almost stepped on it). I don't have the egg with me right at this moment, but I would estimate that the egg is about 1/2 inch long. It's a very very light blue/green and has a lot of brown speckles. What is it?


If you and him have gone through this much...he isn't worth it. You sound so much better than him. He sounds like one of those guys who gets girls then takes it WAY too far. If you aren't ready for that...don't ruin your life over a guy... find someone else you know personally because you know a lot about them. I bet you noticed, but he liked you when you said you would do "it" with him, then when you said you lied he lost don't want a guy like that..

My "friend" is a compulsive liar?

I catch her lieing occasionally but now it's gotten out of hand. She visits my state alot, but she lives one state up. She wanted to hang out with me badly and I said that I was busy. She lied about when she was leaving to manipulate me to hang out with her. That's not the half of it. She lies in practically every conversation I have with her and I don't even know the truth anymore. I don't want to throw away our friendship but something drastic must be done. Is there any way to do a wakeup call to a liar?

Best place in water to cast net for bait fish/mullet?

Im heading down to Gaveston this friday (gulf of mexico) and im wondering where in the water is the best to catch the above? i went 3 years ago and i caught tons of mullet and 1 good catch of bait fish but the last two years have been bad and it is raining half decent down there now so i hope the waves bring in some good fish. should i go knee deep or go out a sandbar or two? i need the bait fish for good speckled trout bait and we might cook some mullet while we are there

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is she wanting me to talk to her or leave her alone?

Hard telling. I hate that kind of stuff too. I say to just talk to her. She could be completely nervous, or confused. Or she could be freaked out. There's only one way to find out though. Confront her with what you're feeling, and find out her position on the whole situation. If she seems too put off to carry on a conversation, let that be a solid warning sign, and don't waste any more of your time. Otherwise it's just going to snowball into a giant mess of awkwardness.

How to help this person.?

My bf's uncle lives in the house with us and he has always ate way to much. Like binge eating, compulsive eating.... he eats things like karo syrup and brown sugar, just to be eating it. He might only eat once a day but when he does eat its enough for 5 or6 people to live off of all week. I have talked to the doctor about it and they told me they only way they can help him is if he admits he has a eating problem. He wont admit it cause he dont think he has a problem..what can i do to get him help.. and to add this is a 60 year old man. with mental problems.

A small pink pill with no inscription. What could it be?

I have found a bag of pills, about the size of a Tylenol pill but a speckled white and mostly pink pill. It doesn't have a smooth coating and it doesn't have an inscription. It's bigger than a birth control pill. Any ideas?

Is there any hope? He is turning me into a crazy wife!!!?

Im just looking for some advice advice. I have been with my husband for 7 years (married 4). He has always lied to me about small things but I just overlooked them because I really loved him. Now, a few yrs after getting married, it has gotten worse! He lies about everything...normal things like how much money he spends, what he buys, where he has been. He even lies to his friend, he told one we owned a bunch of houses and land which we dont! I lost it yesterday b/c he has been looking for a job and told me he got one. Well he came home from his first day of work and I found a movie ticket in his pocket! He admitted to going to the movies because the job didn't work out and just forgot to tell me...hmm? I know he is not cheating but is a compulsive liar. He also has a drinking problem, he isnt aggressive at all but he used to go out after work with his friends and not tell me...needless to say I would find out at 2 am when he came home drunk! His excuse would be that he is stressed and that is the only thing that helps. He also likes to blame me for our fights. All of his lying is turning me into a crazy controlling wife. I know it sounds impossible but I keep telling myself if I dont let him go here then he wont lie or get in trouble and we will be fine. Im at the point to where if he does it one more time then im done, so im trying everything in my power to prevent that! Its exhausting! Now he just lies more because I am controlling...I said I would never be the controlling wife : ( I dont know what to do, he is a great father and we are expecting our 3rd child. I have been with him since I was in high-school. I just graduated college so I can support myself, but im not ready to be a single mom! Any advice? Im so lost and have nobody to talk to!

Ladies!! Dating a single mom?

I am trying to get to know a single mom. We talk on the phone just a bit, text some. She doesn't always return my calls/texts. I sent her flowers to her work a couple weeks ago and you would of thought I gave her a million dollars. I had a dinner date set up, but she had to cancel for legit reasons. I thought of dropping off on her front steps a box of little gifts like bubbles, sidewalk chalk and a few other things that her and her young child can play with? Is this too much? Thanks!

Why do your ex gf SOMETIMES talk behind your back?

i went out with a chick who i have ignored for 2 years..even though she moved on with about 3 or 4 dudes....i find it kinda weird that she would occasionaly tell people about me.... she told people that i smoke too much weed (which is kinda true), she would tell people that she went out with me, she would tell people that i was bi (i was bi-curious at the time), she would even tell people about my past relationships.... although i don't think she knows too much about the girls i dated before her... and hell there was even a rumor going on that she and i slept together.. we never did... but then again since she is a compulsive liar... she makes up sex stories all the time.......although i don't think she mentioned any names but mine...and if im not trippin balls...i think i am the ex bf that she talks about the most.... and when she talks about me.. she doesn't tell them the experiences we had together... SHE LITERALLY TELLS THEM ABOUT ME!

What does a white naked lady ecstasy pill look like?

What does a white naked lady ecstasy pill look like? These are the ones I was sold, and I'm questioning their validity. They are about 3/4 inch in diameter, white, a tad bit speckled, and they taste really sour like warheads. They are not bitter at all, like I am used to. I just don't think I'm feeling anything, and I want some opinions. Please help me.

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

Can anyone help identify a bird for me? Looked like a cross between a Mistle Thrush and a green woodpecker.?

Saw it in some fir trees, flitting backwards and forwards between the branches and the ground. Quite large and speckled with a very strong looking beak. Could it have been a young green woodpecker? This was in Worcestershire

What kind of bird is this?

I rescued a young bird who's mother was killed by my stupid neighbor. I thought it was a robin but my dad said that the eggs were white and speckled instead of blue. Could you tell me what kind of bird this is?

My mom is unbelievably rude to my friends. What do I do?

Sometimes my friends' moms will raise there voice at me, you know? But I brush it off my shoulder, no big deal. But my mom is very different! Like today, for example, she called my friend a liar to her face! Whenever I have sleepovers, we usually order pizza for dinner. My mom expects my friends to "pitch in" all of there money for the pizza- if they don't, they can't eat. She also insults my friends, and their parents, right in front of them! She says cruel things like "What bad parenting" and "She's always late". She'll make fun of them, and act like it's a joke. If my friend asks for food, she says "Go get your own food, you live down the street." Sometimes she even'll say that we aren't a homeless shelter! She even says that some of my friends are poor. When one of my overweight friends eats to quickly, she'll call them, sometimes me, a pig. She told me and 4 of my friends to get out of her house, and called us "Jack Asses" again, to our face. When she took a few of my friends and I to the beach, she refused to buy my friend a cheap snack. My friend hadn't eaten since breakfast, and my mom knew that! If my friend doesn't have money, she'll say "to bad" in a mean way. Once she almost ran over my neighbor, and didn't apologize. When my neighbor's grandma came to talk to my mom about it, my mom cussed her out and told my other neighbor/best friend that she was a brat. She's made all of my friends cry at least twice- even her best friend's daughter! On the other hand, I try and talk to her about it, and she says "to bad" and goes and hides in my dad's room. My dad doesn't try and stop it because he's afraid to- I think he's soaked some of my mom's behavior up, too! He always says no to things, and says "bummer". Anyways, my mom is even telling my friend's 8 year old sister to go home and feed herself. I'll remind my mom she's only 8, and she'll say that she's old enough to know better. To sum it up, I'm not sure why she's mean to them! They're not mean to her, and my friend's parents are really nice to me. I've started to treat her bad because she's mean to me, too! We've tried family councilors, but they don't work- my mom makes my friends sound like monsters, which they're not. My mom always has to follow the rules! For example, for some thing- I don't remember what- you had to have someone 14 years or older ride with you to go on this one thing. My friend who's almost 14, was going to ride with me, so it'd be okay; even the manager said it was fine! But my mom, HAD to complain, so we ended up canceling it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just that time. There's been more- way more! A side from that, she says I have tummy problems. For the past 10 year almost, she's been "researching" and going to doctor after doctor, complaining about my tummy problems! They all tell her I don't have them, but she doesn't listen; she just goes to the next one. In the meantime, she puts me on strange diets to help me lose weight- no citric acid, no milk, no gluten, no sugar, etc. The experts say it's not necessary, but she doesn't listen to them. All my friends hate her, and there parents, literally. I'm even starting to hate her! Thanks to her, I already have a nasty reputation and even nastier rumor going around about me all over the school district. I'm loosing friends every week it seems, and some of my friends even pretend they don't know me half the time! All answers are appreciated. Thank you! I want my mom to be nice. :(

Have you ever had a girl try to change you before?

So I am lesbian and I met another lesbian in the psych ward. (I know bad place, but whatever..) And once she got out she started calling me four or five times a day, coming over all the time, and just wanting to spend a lot of time with me basically. But she is obsessive compulsive. And she has been trying to get me to change myself. People have told me that she likes me. I'm still not 100 percent sure. I do like her despite this. But she tells me I need to get up earlier in the morning and I am a slob, etc. Why is she doing this? Do girls sometimes try to change people they like or what?

To cancel entire booking, is there any refund?

i want to cancel the entire booking and wait for my employer's signal date to re-book, is there any charge?

I am getting some speckled sussex chicks from tractor supply but don't know how to see male from female?

The guy i talked to says they don't know which from which so i would have to be able to tell. I figured they would be able to now i have to figure out before tomorrow. Anyone have these chickens types and can tell me how, thanks.

Asking the guy if he lost interest... is it a good question to ask a guy?

today i asked the guy im dating for a month now if he lost interest in me b/c it seems like it & he didnt give me a straightforward answer. just that he's busy and hasnt had time. but thats lame too b/c he used to text me "hi" and "good night".... now i hardly get any texts. i wonder if asking him today if he was still interested in me might have looked like a compulsive and needy plea for attention. What do u think?

Aging paper opinions needed!?

I am putting togther a family cookbook with generations of recipes. I want the book to look as old as the recipes. I have already constructed the book cover(made to look like an old leather bound book) and I need to know about aging paper. Which is best & easiest for staining? Would I be able to run the stained paper through a printer? And how would I embellish the stained paper? (ie: gold speckle..) Thanks in advance for any help!!

Light grey juvenile cichlid w a thick black horizontal stripe and dark red speckles on body, topfin, and tail?

I just got this cichlid and i already forgot the name of it. It's only a juvenile but it is lightish grey. The horizontal black line is thicker closer to the tail and thins out to bout the middle of it's body doesn't go all the way to its mouth. The speckles are like a dark red or maybe a brown lil speckle on it's body and it's top fin and tail. really pretty just wish i knew what it was i dont remember hehe silly me XP. any help will be greatly appreciated!

American Express Gift Card magically has a $0 balance.?

Using a prepaid/gift card at a gas station is always a bad idea. Most gas stations put a hold of $75 on any debit card until the transaction posts. This is a pre-authorization charge. This can take up to 7 business days. A credit card will only get charged for the amount owed but debits don't have that restriction & gift cards are considered debit cards for transactional purposes. The money will be returned but you will have to wait and, next time, just pay cash for gas, it is a lot simpler.

Does this mean he's not interested anymore?

Okay, he's just most likely playing hard to get. Invite him to a party or somewhere out with a couple of friends so it won't be awkward.

I hate change is this bad?

ok ive never had a problem with change until i was 15 when i had my first anxiety attack, ive always had ocd when i was young but i never thought about change. I was constintly moving as a child, changing my room around. Now ever since i had an anxiety attack im so scared to move out of my house im 18 my ocd is blown way out of proportion i told my doc my symptoms and told me i need to take medication to cope with life and said i had the worst ocd hes seen i obsess over anything and everything with things like being a schizo, going crazy, etc. and i get the compulsive things like touching things three times turning of the light three times everythings either the number three or six. But ever since i had that anxiety attack ive only moved my room around once and its stayed like this for 2 years now i want to but everytime i try its like im too weak and move it back i cant take it it gives me extreme anxiety its like i cant get it off my mind something telling me change it back and i hate it i dont feel comfortable and feel like im going to have an anxiety attack when i do. I can sleep at friends houses i do diffrent things everyday i hate doing the same things i like change with that and love meeting new people but i just cant change where i live i dont feel comfortable.

Im scared my mom will hate me if i go home now....ADVICE!?

I'm currently 19years old and have been gone from my house since I was 15 1/2. I've been living with my boyfriend since I first left and am perfectly fine. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named D'angelo 10days ago. I've called my moms old phone once and her number is still the same and she's not living in the same house but I know where the house she's staying is. My question is how do I go home? Not to stay but make things right, the reason I left was because all my stepdad did was touch on me drink and even raped me. I tried telling my mom but she always played me as a liar (when I told her she acted all caring then that night I heard her talking to him an said I had a wild imagionation and was a compulsive liar). So I left a few nights later one day, I didn't go far about 4hours away to ATL. I remember seeing me on the news for a few nights but after that everything went away and I've been living a normal life, to be honest only thing I did was change my hair an got fake glasses an contacts and got a job. I looked the same to me so I thought nobody cared. Advice please, I just want her to meet her grandson and make things right but honestly I'm scared she'll hate me. She not a very forgiving person from what I remember and is always wrapped in her job making them happy instead of family. I'm also terrified about what my family will say if they'll hate me also! ADVICE NOW PLEASE

Whos party should i go to?

Okay so my dad and mom are divorced and tomarow i am going to my dad's cousins fourth of july party, but my boy friend asked me today if i wanted to come to his tomarow. i know it would be wrong to go to my boy friends party since i already said id go to my dad's but the thing is my dad has never been there for my brother and i and he always cancels on us. mostly he chooses paartying over his kids :/ and for some reason i feel bad about ditching my dad but in a way it seems unfair to have to go to a party where i wont know anyone vs. a party with someone i like and his family which is really nice. so what do u guys think? thank you :) im just so confused and conflicted

What does this dream mean?

How about Messianic Jewish? They are the religion that is most closely obeying the Bible. They follow Jewish as even Rabi Jesus says to, yet know Jesus is the Christ.

I might be pregnant if I am should I tell the ex.?

to me it sounds like you worrying to soon. firstly find out if you are pregnant. secondly you need to let go of all the negative s**t. you were together for a year and half so there must have been love there at one stage. if you are pregnant yes i would tell him as he has every right to no but don't expect anything from him then you won't be disappointed . your lucky you have a good family and Friends around you,. so concentrate on that. and if your pregnant them work from there. best of luck

Would any women date someone with a mental illness?

I'm a 21-year-old female and mental illness has never been a deal-breaker for me. If I meet someone who I can have fun being with I'm pretty willing to give it a try and see what happens. As you get farther from being a teenager you have a better chance of meeting people who aren't shallow enough to run in the opposite direction at the first sign of something difficult, or at least that's how it's worked for me and my friends so far.

My mom is mad at me 'cause of something I did in a dream & is cancelling our dinner plans for 2 nite?

Apply peanut butter to your mothers left hand, and put a vice grip on her right earlobe. Wait 1 hour.

Got my 2nd round of Antibody testing back today and if you know about it please answer :D?

Ok so I have joint pain and anxiety that is the extent. I dont have fatigue or fevers or rashes or anything else like that. Dr decided about 4 months ago to do a complete blood panel on me as well as ANA testing. The ANA test came back postiive speckled 1:80 titer, sed rate of 25, RF negative, CK normal, Creat normal. So I went back and had them done again because of the ANA being positive. This time its ANA positive mixed pattern 1:40 titer, sed rate 25, RF negative, CK and Creat both normal, Anti-ssDNA 275 (high) and Anti-dsDNA negative or normal. They are referring me to a Rheumy but I am curious if anyone has had this mixture before. She told me if I had not had a previous positive ANA they would have considered the 1:40 titer as negative.

New tattoo advice about the look after it has peeled once?

My new tattoo has peeled without scabbing and i followed the tattooist advice to the letter. The tattoo underneath looks dull and speckled, i think its my hairs growing back, someone said it peels twice? Should i be worried or not as it was only done a week ago?

What does he want from me?

I'm 20, he's 35. He's a gorgeous guy. Got a good career. He told me he's content being single, but that he wants to meet his soulmate. We've been flirting alot lately, and we even have pet names for each other. He's always trying to impress me with his accomplishments...I don't know why, maybe because I'm still in college and he's a P.E./health teacher and I'm a science major? Hmm. He really hinted at me coming and seeing him alot a couple weeks ago, but it just didn't work out. He was gonna come see me a few weeks ago but I had to cancel on him. We usually text each other good night almost every night but now it seems things are cooling down quite a bit. He's always telling me how beautiful I am, and how I am perfect the way I am. He said once that when I make him laugh he is a happy man inside. I thought that was sweet. He has such a way with making me feel like the only woman in the world. But I can't help but wonder what he wants from me? Just sex, relationship, friendship (a flirty one of course), or like brother/sister kind of thing? I'm sooo confused!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Please help me, I feel horrible.?

I feel like ****. My 18th birthday is tomorrow (3rd) and I will not be doing anything. I haven't had a real birthday, cake or anything since I was 15. All I want is to hear happy birthday from my ex who just broke up with me, is that a bad thing? Why the hell do I still care? Why do I feel so bad still? I’m letting him ruin how I feel about my birthday..or maybe it’s just because whatever I do won’t be as great as what we could’ve had. I just feel bad because he promised we'd spend that day together, and now I know that's impossible since the plane ticket is canceled. He let me down. What the hell do I do? Please help me out here.

How can a person with compulsive eating disorder lose weight :(?

zip it ( your mouth) shut! stop being such a meley mouth namby pamby and just do it don't wine about it.

How do i buy apps on my LG quantum?

I just bought my LG quantum, and every time i go to an app's info page to buy it, two buttons come up.. "install" and "share" i click install and then there are two buttons that say "Buy" and "Cancel" but the buy button isnt highlighted so i cant click it... and then a white box comes up telling me the info couldnt be found and to check back later.. any help??

I got a 11.99 % interest rate for a used Toyota Camry after completing a 3 year lease.?

The finance manager said that this was the absolute best they could offer since the credit score was below average (620) and there was only one late payment. Was this actually the best deal I could receive? After signing the contract for this type of deal, can I rescind and cancel the contract to negotiate better terms?

Hairstyles for hair loss (pics of my hair)?

I don't really have a permanent answer of it being perfect, but (I've said this on so many answers today) layers really really help make your hair look thicker. Also, try putting your hair in braids right after a shower, and sleep. The next day, take them out, flip your hair down with your head and comb it downwards. It adds "poofiness" Idk if that's what you're going for though, just an idea. Hope I helped:)


im 19 and i'm a sophomore in college. currently i'm living w/ my mom, sister, and brother because i can not afford paying rent, or living in a dorm....but i digress, my sister (15 in aug.) and i have to share a room, i wouldn't mind except for the fact that she is a compulsive liar and a thief. when i first moved in, it was ok. i stayed outta everyone's way b/c i'm used to living w/ my dad who always gives my space. when she wanted something, I came through: money, clothes, brownies (she's obsessed w/ them, but can't cook). lately (like in the past two months) she's been asking for a *** whooping. I noticed that little things would go missing from our room..for instance, i set my headphones (I LOVE MUSIC) on the floor next to my laptop and when I returned they were gone so i texted her where are they ( i just knew she had them). she got defensive and started saying she wasn't the one and why would she take it blah blah blah. next thing you know, i leave and come back and there right where i left them. i just shook my head and left it alone. then, other stuff went missing, my new victoria's secret bra (not her size), some of my clothing items, and just other items. I told her to put them where she found them before i came back from work and she was like "ain't nobody touched your sh**, i'm tired of you accusing me" so i went through her stuff and found EVERYTHING hidden in like pockets that she cut into her luggage, under her mattress, just random places. I took them back cause there mine, duh. i didn't confront her b/c she's old enough to know how ridiculous she is...oh she stole the bra again and when she was sleeping i saw it on her, IT'S NOT EVEN HER SIZE! my gosh. my mom told me that she's been like this with my other older sister that used to live with them and it's jealousy b/c she's always like jealous ALWAYS and I try my best to not do anything that makes her feel like she's not good enough (even though she's sooo cocky, i know it's a front) b/c she says stuff like she wants my body type instead of hers which is more athletic (and she has no booty, we're black so i guess it's required). Anyway, i'm just sick of her lying and i'm not a confrontational person at all, i just want out. unfortunately, the my job doesn't give me a enough hours or consistent shifts to do that. plus there isn't jobs around me b/c i need a close job since I have no car (tear). Any advice? b/c i'm about to lose it and i'm mad...and i'm not one to get mad easily at all. I absolutely hate thieves and liars b/c a) i'm family and b) i always give her what she wants plus more. I hate having to make sure i remember where & how I left my stuff when i'm away from the house or taking my purse everywhere, even when i'm in the house (oh, she's stolen money too). And the lying makes me even more angry b/c i'm FAR from stupid (don't judge me on my grammar & punctuation, lol...idc) and when someone lies, I feel like their basically saying, "hey i bet your dumba** will believe this". I also feel like a piece of sh** when someone lies b/c ppl ususally lie to people who they don't care a bum, so if your lying to me that means you could care less about me. Wow, this is actually quite cathartic. thanks for your advice in advance (if any), or for just reading....i'm usually the one that's listening when my friends talk (psych major).


I just turned 16 june 15th, my parents kicked me out and I was living with my friends for the past 4 days. My parents came and brought me back home and things didn't get any better. I can not stand the site of my father and my mother is a compulsive liar. I do not feel safe living with them anymore and wish to be put into foster care, they both agree on the idea. What is the first step in doing this.

I cancel my application for abroad but the agency took my passport and not giving it back what should i do?

By international law, passports are the property of the government that issued them. It is illegal for anyone else to confiscate them. Tell the agency that you will file a complaint with the police if they do not give yours back. Hopefully, you live in a country where the police will actually respond to your complaint.

How to ruduce noise in photoshop when printing?

I made a business card in photoshop and there is NO noise while it is on the screen... but when I go to print it it is FULL of speckles!!! I have tried all the reduce noise features in photoshop but like I said... when it is on the screen there are no speckles! I'm guessing this is a printing problem then?! How do I fix this so it prints correctly?!

I want to stop lying befor i loose all the people i care about?

Ok, well your parents aren't being good parents by refusing to let you have help. But you don't need parental permission to see a councellor in some cases. If you have a school councellor for example. But why do you lie? Do you feel the need to impress people? Try to find the reason why you lie and work from there. Also try just to think before you talk. Before you say something, take the time and think, 'What am I saying? Is it the truth?' You may look weird, but if you get used to it it'll come naturally. Why wont your parents let you? Talk to them about it. Just let out all your feelings on them. Write them a letter if that's easier.

American Idol or Glee? Which do you prefer?

I prefer Glee im so over American Idol its just gotten old for me and all the right ppl always get voted off

Is this a Hawk Sparrow? What's it doing?

So I have a really nice bird feeding station, and since it's spring, I'm starting to see a whole bunch of birds. this afternoon, I was watching the sparrows, chickadees, Juncos, and finches, when a much larger bird swooped down to the station. It didn't try to harm any of the birds, but it scared them all away. It didn't really eat the seed, it just kind of walked around, flying short distances, whenever it got spooked. The bird stood about a foot tall, and seemed to have a pretty large wing span. It's back was a dull blue, and it had a fairly small head with a hawk-like beak. It had brown speckles on its chest, and didn't seem very intimidated or intimidating. It walked around for 15 minutes or so, then flew into a nearby spruce tree where it still sits. My dad suggested that it was a Hawk Sparrow, and I kind of think so to. But if it is, why is it hanging around a bird feeder in the middle of the woods? He looks healthy, but it just seems out of character for that species to be doing that? Any thoughts? Thanks!

How to reduce noise when printing?

I made a business card in photoshop and there is NO noise while it is on the screen... but when I go to print it it is FULL of speckles!!! I have tried all the reduce noise features in photoshop but like I said... when it is on the screen there are no speckles! I'm guessing this is a printing problem then?! How do I fix this so it prints correctly?! I have the printer quality set to enhanced which is the highest and i have full ink in the printer.

Is this possible when breeding mixed breed rabbits?

Anything is possible when breeding mixed breed rabbits. Smudge is a mixed breed as well. If she had any rex kits, she is not a pure bred Californian since rex is a recessive trait and to produce rex kits BOTH parents must carry the gene. True Californians do not carry rex.

The XYZ Company has decided to run an ad that shows its?

Honestly your homework is not that difficult. Read your book and notes and DO IT YOURSELF. Isn't that why you are in college to learn, not have random people on the internet do it for you?

I keep having suicidal thoughts.... help! :(?

im 14 year old.... i have ocd ( obsessive compulsive organizer ) , my family is fighting.... my life sucks.. i dont really have a social life out of school.. my mom favors my brother and nephews and i gt little or no attention.. my best friend and i r graduateing in 5 days and hes going to a different high school my girl best friend hates me cuz i had her mom break her and her bf up cuz he was a piece o grabage who was a perv.. i just want to spend my life on the ocean.. like on a oceanliner.. i would do any job as long as i got my own little cabin and made cool friends.. but that woont even be possiblee till im 18 and then i need 2 year colledge and thats 6 years... i have suicidal thoughts every day but i cant tell me mom because this has never happened before and i cant even tell if this is real or if its something that just happens to everyone and if she will hate me or something.. i want to live with my dad but the last time i asked to my mom hated me for like 2 months and gave me the guilt trip so i couldnt cuz i cannot hav my mom hate me its just i cant....... plz help because if i find a easy way to kill myself with no pain i wll do it cuz god isnt helping me even though i ask and ik ur supposed to help urself first but im confused and im his son how could he just sit ther and let me suffer all this time...

What is the funniest Obsessive-compulsive Disorder that you know if?

I know some are really serious and a lot of people have problems with dealing with it(Such as I can't stand odd numbers and my points at odd numbers so I am having to ask a question) but what are some funny ones you know of?

Do i have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

hi, i am 13 and i think i might have obsessive-compulsive disorder. i pick at hair on my skin & pick at split ends. i want to stop but i cant! its so addicting! help? do i have ocd?

What to do about Varied Carpet Bugs?

the larvae feed on materials made from wools, silk, hair, fur, cob webs, other dead insects....thorough cleaning of suspect clothing and under all furniture and mattress. Once closet is empty ,treating the corners would be beneficial.

Help me solve this mystery! Please!?

In our backyard there are two nests with eggs in them. the eggs are sort of greenish speckled. Today I went in the backyard and three eggs had been taken out of the nest by the bird and set in a row on the retaining wall. I know the bird do it because on each egg there are two puncture wholes as if the mother grabbed the eggs and set them out. One of the eggs was split in two so I looked inside and there was a baby bird inside, dead. It wasn't fully developed, but I could still tell. I have two questions: 1) Why would the mother do this? 2) is there anyway I can save the other two babies? Like I said there are small puncture holes in them though. If I can try to save them, what do I do?? Thank you!!

Religious folk: do animals go to hell for commiting (HOMOSEXUAL) activities.?

Animals don't sin. Animals are driven almost entirely on Instinct. Animals don't know right from wrong.

Lower right side hurts to touch after months?

You might not have problems with your appendix at all. You might have what is called poly cystitic ovaries. Many women have it. You form cyst on your ovaries most are not cancerous. Some are quite large and painful and need to be removed. They seem to run in cycles. You can have them for months and then go into remission. Have you been evaluated by a GYN Doctor?. This is worth iinvestigating. Oh,you can also have it on only one ovary.

Does this mean he likes me more than just friends or not?

I've had the same thing happen to me. Yes, this means he likes you. He was just thinking over your feelings for him at the time, and I think spending the 4th of July with him would be the perfect opportunity.

What happened to me in my sleep?

I was dreaming and then I woke up but I was paraliyzed and I could not move no matter how hard I fought. I know this wasn't a dream because I woke up from my dream and I could look around and see but could not move. Also I was seeing silver speckles everywhere and it felt like I was floating.

How do I get out of this hole I fell in?

At 14 I was the same way all I can say is join a sport it keeps you distracted and motivated! You'll loose weight real quick

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with teeth brushing? Maybe?

This is definitely OCD, and trust me you need to stop. I was a chronic brusher when I was younger, and now that I am older, due to all the teeth brushing, I wore the enamel off my teeth, and had to get 2 veneers that were very expensive. I am telling you if you do not stop now, you are going to be paying big bucks in the future because when you wear the enamel off, your teeth turn black, and it is not pretty. Trust me, please stop now.

I am on my period but want to go swimming?

Hiya so for my friends party we are going swimming and it's today and I cannot just cancel because it's also a sleepover. The problem is I am on my period. I started it on Wednesday and it was ok, not too heavy, not too light. Last night I didn't bleed at all. Am I ok to go swimming or should I not? Thank you in advance!

What will take off spray paint speckles off my truck? from painting house soffets?

workers were spraying the soffets on a house we were painting & the wind must have blown the spray and went all over my truck {its all tiny speckles all over the truck] and ive tried using soap water,crud cutter which removed it but i had to scrub it & wanted to know what other method would take all these speckles off the truck eaiser and faster without harming the trucks finish[clearcoat]? would w-d 40 work

Am i being a bee-eye-tee-see-H to my friends?

You're not being a *****. You are a really nice person and seem to be a bit of a pushovet, if your friend is too tired to ride the train you are not obliged to drive her.

If I burn a certain amount of calories at the gym, then eat that amount of calories....?

If I burn a certain amount of calories at the gym, then go eat that amount of calories, does it still "cancel out" the calories?

Stay in relationship and compromise,or leave now ?.?

My current girlfriend has been with me for a little over 8 months,and she lives with two 40 ibs dogs. I personally don't like dogs,barking invading of space,un deciplined,sleeping on bed,hair,and a number of other things just irritate me. It's her place so I don't mind,but we have a problem now where I told her I won't move in with her as long as she has dogs. Her current dogs are older in age,and I told her I would wait till their time comes,but I won't live with dogs in a place of my own. It is wrong of me,but I can't help it,it's compulsive. I can't deal with their mess,and their invasion of your space,but I love her very much,and don't know what to do.

Is it better to adopt from the pound or a rescue?

On the one hand, adopting from the pound saves a dog that might get euthenized, while on the hand, adopting from a rescue opens up another spot for them to save a dog that could be euthenized. Are there other factors and repercussions I'm not considering? I feel pets adopted from a rescue are more likely to be healthy -- they've been vetted and fixed -- but they're also more expensive (sometimes hundreds and hundreds more), so I think that cancels out.

Is he distant/stressed from abortion? What should I do?

My boyfriend and I have been together for two months. We met on match and we made it official the first date. We've had a lot of crap happen, such as us deciding for me to get an abortion since my birth control was cancelled out by antibiotics, and the abortion pill dint work so I have to go back in for a surgical procedure, and he's been distance, I said I'm scared he's gonna leave me after and he said that he's not going to, hes just been really distant. He cried after I got the abortion and his mom told me he doesn't cry. He said I'm the second girl to see him cry. Doesn't text much if at all, I have to call him and such. We live two hours apart and since he's a state trooper and usually works weekends I go down and spend weekends with him. He still wants me to come, he's just been distant. He says he's stressed. Is that making him distant? What should I do? Just lay low? I've been letting him come to me. Not playing hard to get, just giving him his space. What else?

I forgot what this blue/green teal jewelry is called?

Okay, I'm being totally forgetful here but I'm trying to find a piece of jewelry made out of ______ . It's blue/green/teal and it looks like a stone (like pebbles/rocks) and usually it's used around necklaces... I just forgot what it's called and I've googled it all and went on all the jewelry websites but I must be typing in the wrong search because I can't find it. It's not just one colored stone placed at the end of a chain, usually the whole necklace/bracelet is made out of this, with big chunky assorted blue/green stones and sometimes it has black speckles on it. Sorry that the description is so vague, but my mind has gone blank on what it's called hahah so if you somehow have any idea on what type of teal jewelry this is, then thank you so much! Or list whatever somewhat sounds like what I'm describing and it might just be it.

Black mold from fabric?

Some clothes got damp and have black mold or mildew on them. I put shout on the stains and washed clothes with detergent, borax, and clorox bleach. Some clothes came out with holes and the others still have black stains and speckles on them. Got any suggestions other then throwing away?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Soul Eater is it cancelled or what?

Soul Eater has ended :/..i mean all 51 episodes are out. I don't think there will be any other seasons though..

Should I talk about my OCD and anxiety issues in front of my step family?

So for the past couple years I've had really terrible issues with noise (like a lot of noises annoy me to the point of tears) and so finally I went to see a therapist and she told me I have obsessive compulsive issues and anxiety issues. I don't think my step mon knows, and I know my step sisters don't. I'm not really embarrassed about it, and don't care if they know but the reason I'd want my step mon to know is to see her reaction. I don't get on very well with her (well I pretend I do but everything is always just awkward) and she's very opinionated and doesn't keep her opinions to herself. So I kinda wanna talk about my last apointment around her to see if she thinks it's stupid or if she doesn't care. Is this a bad idea?

How do I get rid of my sons diaper rash while he has been having loose bowel movements?

My son has a diaper rash that is very red, and in one spot looks as if the skin was just rubbed raw so there are little speckles of blood. Any advice?

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

Gambling ruining a marriage?

So I live in Las Vegas and I know "someone" who is a grandmother, her grandchildren live in another state and she is a homemmaker. So basically, she doesnt have a life. She has, among other compulsions, a gambling addiction. Even when her husband was laid off of work and they were losing everything, she was hitting the casinos daily. Some people do it and only tell you when they won, but lose ALOT and never mention it. To me, that is a sign of addiction. As far as getting involved, I would def. take her to a meeting, theyre ackward at first, but if you find one you like, you'll honestly find a family in those groups (personal experience with NA). Anyways, I would also pull her husband aside and tell him, without alot of detail, that youre concerned and want to help her. Maybe you can stage an intervention together for her.

Will I be going? help please?

okay so, i am going to alton towers with my school and the deadline to hand in the slip to go is 19th May 2011 and i handed it in a day after. On the letter it says: "the deadline for subbmission of the reply slips is thursday 19th of may 2011. After this date any surplus coaches will be cancelled. Any spare places will be filled on a first come first served basis." Does this mean i'm still going?

What to do if you find a bird egg ?

okay so i found this bird nest in a bush in my backyard. and the next day there was a little white and reddish/brownish speckled egg in it.. Then about a week and a half later i realized the poor little egg had been abandoned by it parents. after that i checked on the egg everyday (not touching it) just to be sure it was still there. finally today i took the whole nest out (1.5 weeks later) and i have no idea how to take care of an egg.. im not even sure if there is still life.. but i wanna find out. and like how do i take care of it? who should i call ? ! oh. and i got it down to 2 kinds of birds that might have laid the egg.. either a House Wern or a Black something Chickadee. So if there is anyone who can tell me what to do. i would really appreciate it. Thank You.

Yahoo India sent me a threatening email?

I received an email threatening to cancel my email if I didn't give them all of my input info. this true?


I think there's too much description. This could be made shorter and clearer by removing most of the adverbs and adjectives and leaving only the necessary ones that add something to the story.

Wot to do about my cheating boyfriend who got another girl pregnant?

i have been with my boyfriend (ex now) for 8 years, and the last 15 months being paying for everything as he was unemployed, last week his bit on the side of TWO YEARS turns up at our house...who i didnt know about with their 8 month old daughter, im absolutely devastated, apparantly all his mates knew about her but she didnt kno about me either and has been on and off with her for 2 years as he told her to get an abortion but she wudnt. They got back with eachother 5 months ago. I want legal revenge on this guy but wana kno of some success stories please! He is completely denying it all by the way but there is no doubt that baby is his, he is a compulsive liar!

Whats up with this girl?

Alright, theres this girl that ive liked for the past about 2 months. We first met and had a little connection, or at least i had a pretty broad view that i thought we did. For the next couplew days afterwards we texted about everynight and then bam we just stoped texting, i asked her if she liked my one friend that se always asked about, No was her answer. That same friend asked her about me and told her we would be a good couple, she only replied to the couple part with " Maybe :] " so i assume thats a yes? Fastfoward a couple weeks to this week, Up until this week ive barely talked to her because of sports and the past like 4 nights ive ben trying to text her but she really isnt answering or not holding the conversation. We were supposed to hangout today but i had to cancle on her, She didnt reply to my text and didnt even bother to tr and hangout. Idk whats up, did she lose intrest in me? or did she never have intrest in me? my one friend said she was just playing hard to get, its just super frustrating and im pretty clueless, is she mad at me? I was also told that if i ust tell her that i like her, that is what she was waiting for. P,s i did tell her i liked her basicly but i was high at the time so im pretty sure she didnt believe me. I was thinking about goign to her best friend about it, see what she has to know, see if she can help possibly? Should i just tell her i have feelings for her? Ive already given her space but it wasnt by choice, i think she might have lost interest while i gave her space in that 2 week period, idk? And to Clarify the cancleing thing, she agreed to hangout but i dont think she even attempted to hang out with me, like prior to me canceling.

What do you think of this part of my story?

Its an okay start but you should try tightning it up a little and don't repeat Lily at the start of almost every sentence.

How do you set up a Group Texting list with the I-Phone 3GS?

Got my first smart phone and need to send multiple people the same text message at one time (i.e. Practice is cancelled). On my dumb phone I had "caller groups" that I had set up and could highlight that group and send 1 text message to everyone at once. With my new I-Phone... I do not know how to set up those groups. Any assistance would be great!

ITunes taking forever to install, help?

Cancel, restart the computer, and then try again. Re-download the iTunes installer from Apple if you have to.

I keep thinking about this strange idea about having a special quiet place. I have obesseeive compulsive disor?

I have the same idea on a stranded island with a soft bed and drinking coca nuts and reading books will watching the sunset with one or 2 other friends would stay there for the rest of my life.

Compulsive lying hereditary?

Ok my sistier acts just like my mom. They both lie about evryting, always starting drama, and feel the need to be center of attion and the funny part is is we just met our mom two years ago. but my sis has always been that way. compulsive lying or mentle illness hereditary?

What is the link between the compulsion to repeat trauma and avoidance of situations reminiscent of it?

Trauma reenactment theory is very interesting regarding rape. from what i remember its more about repeating the trauma "mentally" and harming yourself than it is about the situation. A lot of girls who are orally raped end up with bulimia and the vomiting becomes symbolic to oral rape. you can't expose people to "situations" like you would if someone has a phobia. that sort of structured behaviour modification programme is not at all helpful for rape and trauma. the cognitive approach works much better.

Is H2O: Just Add Water canceled for forever? ):?

I absolutely LOVED this television show. I know they canceled it after 3 seasons but are there any for sure plans on making a 4th season? I hope so cause I miss this show! ):