Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I think I may be O.C.D, and possibly paranoid.?

I've been focusing on things like this recently, and it has come to my attention that I seem likely to have O.C.D. The first instance of O.C.D like behavior I can remember is from when I was a little child. When I would ride in the car I would always look out the window, and watch the objects. Then I would count them. While others were talking to me during this I would count every word they said on the objects going past me and if their sentence didn't work out to be totally even I would break things up, clump things together, add in, or take out words. This really interfered with my listening, and by the time I noticed I was doing this it had been a few years and I found it difficult to stop. I still do this sometimes. Then once I had, for the most part, corrected this annoying error I began to grind my teeth to the syllables of things others said to me, and occasionally to what I said as well. Then began my germ phobia. It was completely unreasonable, and yet I still have it for the most part. I felt that everything was dirty, my own hands were always dirty, etc. If something were to compromise the cleanliness of a surface, even after it had been properly cleaned and relentlessly disinfected, I would feel that the germs were still there and it would, in my mind, render the object untouchable/unusable. I would wash my hands five or six times and always up to my elbows (sometimes higher) after little things like using the restroom, touching a remote control, touching a counter top, having used cleaning products on something, etc. Occasionally I find myself afraid of having picked up germs from an object I merely saw or considered touching, but did not so much as get near it. For a short period of time I found myself unwilling to touch my food, as I believed my hands would compromise the foods sanitation. So, I ate everything by picking it up with my mouth or a utensil such as a fork rather than my hands. This went even for potato chips or french fries; even a banana (very difficult). I eventually overcame this by washing my hands multiple times before I ate anything. I find I believe everything to be dirty. I re-wash dishes before I eat off of them even when I take them out of the dish drainer and they've only been washed moments before. Also, I am somewhat of a slob. But then I find after the room being messy only for a few minutes due to my slob habits that I go into mad Nazi-cleaning mode. I vacuum and dust and polish and organize and sort through and throw away. I even organize my clutter to be arranged in what I find to be a more appealing manor. As far as my personal hygiene, when I first get in the show I wash my hands with soap before I begin washing myself. Then after washing myself I was my hands with soap again. This keeps going on until I'm finished with my shower. This could just be my anger issues, but I get angry at myself for doing something wrong, even the slightest thing (for example, using an abbreviation that is for the most part useless), and find that I have a sort of compulsive need to fix the error, whatever it may be. This also comes in to play with my grammar, as I'm sure you have noticed. The slightest spelling mistakes make me freak out. Also, in a subject that I feel I'm right on, I absolutely REFUSE to allow someone to tell me otherwise. I am wholly unable to take criticism, even if it is constructive. Also, sometimes I feel a random need to get up and pace. I can pace for hours upon hours while not feeling like it has been more than five minutes. If for some reason I am unable to pace around I get this odd feeling, as though I literally need to be doing it, as though it were important and absolutely imperative that the task was performed. Also, as I'm sure of you have read, I have self-harmed (mostly in the past, I've been trying to quit) and each time I did so I always left three cuts/burns/bruises. Although this may not tie in here, as I created something for each to stand for (1: Punishment 2: Control 3: Clarity). Often times I find myself (unjustifiably) feeling absolutely superior to those around me. As though I can grasp things they cannot. In groups I feel that I have to be the one to do all the work as I'm the only one who can perform the task given correctly. I realize the others are capable of doing just as well as I, and possibly better, but I cannot help but feel otherwise. I also think I'm paranoid. This is due to the fact that on more occasion than one I've wondered whether or not someone was watching me; this occurs when I am completely alone. Sometimes I feel the need to correct my thoughts so that they might be appropriate in the event that anyone around me could somehow read minds. I also find when I'm at home I am extremely suspicious of my mother. She does not trust me and I find that I sometimes feel as though she may have installed cameras to watch me. I will admit to literally looking into things searching

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