Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

I've always been a worrier, for as long as I can remember but now I'm wondering if it's starting to get out of control. I worry what people think all the time and I always assume they think the worse of me. When I lock the doors at night in my house I have to do the rounds of the doors over 3 times checking that i did actually lock them. Usually I check 3 times then go upstairs to bed and it plays on my mind so I go back downstairs to check AGAIN...When I drive I re drive my route over and over making sure I haven't knocked someone off their bike or anything (even though I would know if I had hit someone). Sometimes I get home and I drive around the block over and over again to make sure I haven't hit anything...I've just started obsessing over car doors and worrying that I haven;'t shut it properly. If I was in someone elses' car I always check the door is shut properly after I closed it but then usually I get home and end up texting my friends and asking them to check if I did actually shut the door properly (even though I checked it myself). I check my hair straightener is off all the time because I'm so scared I'll burn the house down. I don't just check it once, I stand there in the bathroom staring at it making sure its off and then leave and have to go back in to check again and sometimes it's to the point where I have to make sure it's unplugged and I have to actually touch the plug with my hands to make sure I'm not just imagining that it is NOT plugged in...also with cars I get paranoid I've left my lights on...even though you can see from the outside if they are off, I always have to get back into the car to check the settings are correctly on 'Lights off'! Ahhh does this sound like OCD to you??

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