Saturday, July 16, 2011

I hate change is this bad?

ok ive never had a problem with change until i was 15 when i had my first anxiety attack, ive always had ocd when i was young but i never thought about change. I was constintly moving as a child, changing my room around. Now ever since i had an anxiety attack im so scared to move out of my house im 18 my ocd is blown way out of proportion i told my doc my symptoms and told me i need to take medication to cope with life and said i had the worst ocd hes seen i obsess over anything and everything with things like being a schizo, going crazy, etc. and i get the compulsive things like touching things three times turning of the light three times everythings either the number three or six. But ever since i had that anxiety attack ive only moved my room around once and its stayed like this for 2 years now i want to but everytime i try its like im too weak and move it back i cant take it it gives me extreme anxiety its like i cant get it off my mind something telling me change it back and i hate it i dont feel comfortable and feel like im going to have an anxiety attack when i do. I can sleep at friends houses i do diffrent things everyday i hate doing the same things i like change with that and love meeting new people but i just cant change where i live i dont feel comfortable.

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