Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why do your ex gf SOMETIMES talk behind your back?

i went out with a chick who i have ignored for 2 years..even though she moved on with about 3 or 4 dudes....i find it kinda weird that she would occasionaly tell people about me.... she told people that i smoke too much weed (which is kinda true), she would tell people that she went out with me, she would tell people that i was bi (i was bi-curious at the time), she would even tell people about my past relationships.... although i don't think she knows too much about the girls i dated before her... and hell there was even a rumor going on that she and i slept together.. we never did... but then again since she is a compulsive liar... she makes up sex stories all the time.......although i don't think she mentioned any names but mine...and if im not trippin balls...i think i am the ex bf that she talks about the most.... and when she talks about me.. she doesn't tell them the experiences we had together... SHE LITERALLY TELLS THEM ABOUT ME!

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