Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is there any hope? He is turning me into a crazy wife!!!?

Im just looking for some advice advice. I have been with my husband for 7 years (married 4). He has always lied to me about small things but I just overlooked them because I really loved him. Now, a few yrs after getting married, it has gotten worse! He lies about everything...normal things like how much money he spends, what he buys, where he has been. He even lies to his friend, he told one we owned a bunch of houses and land which we dont! I lost it yesterday b/c he has been looking for a job and told me he got one. Well he came home from his first day of work and I found a movie ticket in his pocket! He admitted to going to the movies because the job didn't work out and just forgot to tell me...hmm? I know he is not cheating but is a compulsive liar. He also has a drinking problem, he isnt aggressive at all but he used to go out after work with his friends and not tell me...needless to say I would find out at 2 am when he came home drunk! His excuse would be that he is stressed and that is the only thing that helps. He also likes to blame me for our fights. All of his lying is turning me into a crazy controlling wife. I know it sounds impossible but I keep telling myself if I dont let him go here then he wont lie or get in trouble and we will be fine. Im at the point to where if he does it one more time then im done, so im trying everything in my power to prevent that! Its exhausting! Now he just lies more because I am controlling...I said I would never be the controlling wife : ( I dont know what to do, he is a great father and we are expecting our 3rd child. I have been with him since I was in high-school. I just graduated college so I can support myself, but im not ready to be a single mom! Any advice? Im so lost and have nobody to talk to!

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