Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why dont girls like me?

ok so here it is. im 14, i've never had a girlffriend, and please dont say that im still young. thats why i havent given up. ok, so im about 5 foot 3 or 4, about 140 pounds( alittle chubby but mostly muscle, as i am an athelete. i play soccer and foot ball), i have blonde straight medium length hair and a strange sort of eyes (or thats what ive been told) they are prodominately green, with brown speckles and a blue ring around the edges. i have a somewhat decent face, i personally think im not very good looking but friends say im cute. alright, now for my personality, i am intelligent. i have straight a's and i am on top of my school with a 4.5 gpa. i have many friends, alot of friends that are girls, mostly 5 or 6 best friends 4 are guys 2 are girls. people say i am nice and sweet and that stuff, i make people laugh alot. i'm not afraid to talk to people that im not exactly friends with, i make them smile as well. i am a musician i play trumpet, trombone, all saxophones, guitar, drums and piano (best at trumpet). i am in several groups, like power of the pen (writing group) and NJHS (a non-profit volunteering group). im alittle shy, but not very much. im only shy of the first 5 minutes of knowing you at the most. all im looking for in a girl is intelligence, kindness, a taste for music, and a good sense of humor. looks arent that important. i mean im not here begging for help or a full fledged explanation on why girls dont like me. all i want is a reasonable idea on why.... if you cant help me id understand. thank you for any help you can offer.

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