Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I hear things I no longer own, please help me, it's gotten worse?

My old house phone had the loudest most annoying ring so we took it out, and cancel our phonne service (everyone calls me on my cell). But every now and then I can still hear it very faintly like its in another room or something, and it freaks me out that I hunt for it but nothings ever there. And it's not just that, I hear dogs walking, when im in the kitchen the loud beeps from a microwave that broke years ago, and my old tv turning on. Stuff I used to hear every day is coming back and it's really scaring me. Once when I was at my friends house I could hear my truck start but when I looked nothing, then I realized I didn't own a truck (I did in high school) and there wasn't another truck anywhere around me. Somebody please help?

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