Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Anyone with an Autoimmune Disease or SLE?

I went to the doctor a few weeks ago because for the past two years I've have severe muscle and joint pain, random fevers, stiffness, memory issues and fatigue. I did not actually expect her to find anything but she had me come in and go over the results which were positive ANA, 1:320 titer and a speckled/homogeneous stain pattern. She suggested I might want to get tested for lupus and go to a specialist, then told me to go look over some autoimmune diseases on the internet and see if anything seemed familiar. I don't even know what I am looking for, normally i would just get the tests but I just started a new insurance plan at work and my deductible is $2000 and I don't want to get a test if I don't need it. Does anyone on her have any advice or similar symptoms and/or SLE. When I say joint/muscle pain I mean severe as in some days I can barely hobble along. I also have been getting these pustuels on my hands and then all the skin peels off my fingers. I am a 26 yr old female, no history of autoimmune in my family. I was negative for lyme, positive for EBV but I had mono in the past. I'm sooo confused. I have cold toes and fingers but I always have had that, I actually ended up with frost bite on my toes a few years back because of it. I have mild hair loss, more than average (everyone at work teases me about finding it everywhere) but not crazy amounts.

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